Valuable Professional Reading

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The team leaders for Dev Derby have been asked to list what we consider valuable professional reading. Our book selections are not limited to our respective Languages. I thought I would share my list with everyone.

The first 2 (GoF design patterns and Patterns of enterprise application architecture) really just need to be in every developer’s library. The rest are a collections of books I’ve read and liked as well as recommendations from developers I like and respect. Keith Casey pointed me in the general direction of a lot of these books.I suspect that some of the Dev Derby people will end up contacting various publishers to solicit swag sometime soon.

In other news about Dev Derby, I think that an application for teams should be available to announce sometime soon geneerinen cialis. I do know we have a deadline for selection approaching and it’s kinda hard to select without people to select from.

GoF design patterns:
* ISBN-10: 0201633612
* ISBN-13: 978-020163361

Patterns of enterprise application architecture:
* ISBN-10: 0321127420
* ISBN-13: 978-0321127426

Code Reading:
* ISBN-10: 0201799405
* ISBN-13: 978-0201799408

Guide to PHP Design Patterns:
* ISBN-10: 0973589825
* ISBN-13: 978-0973589825

Building Scalable Web Sites:
* ISBN-10: 0596102356
* ISBN-13: 978-0596102357

* ISBN-10: 0932633439
* ISBN-13: 978-0932633439

Mythical Man Month:
* ISBN-10: 0201835959
* ISBN-13: 978-0201835953

The Pragmatic Programmer:
* ISBN-10: 020161622X
* ISBN-13: 978-0201616224

Code Complete:
* ISBN-10: 0735619670
* ISBN-13: 978-0735619678

Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide:
* ISBN-10: 0973862149
* ISBN-13: 978-0973862140

Guide to PHP Security:
* ISBN-10: 0973862106
* ISBN-13: 978-0973862102

Guide to Enterprise PHP Development:
* ISBN-10: 0973862181
* ISBN-13: 978-0973862188

Guide to Programming with Zend Framework
* ISBN-10: 0973862157
* ISBN-13: 978-0973862157

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